Friday, April 4, 2008


standing proudly and muscular-ly, that's Him. the One and Only!





you've been such a great dad all these years to me... i really really thank God for you, for being such a big blessing to me; always providing everything i need, keeping me in prayer all the time in your daily devotion and especially when i have exams (i know mum and you pray extra hard cause you guys know i study last minute).

i can still laugh whenever i think of you; cracking all those lame jokes while on the road when we have family trips, and making every Sunday morning merry by singing those really really OLD lame songs accompanied by your VERY LOUD guitar strumming, so loud, it wakes us all up in not a nice way - with tousled hair and muffled mumbles cry of pain.

but haha. it's funny when i look back and think of all these memories. until now, i still can remember you won the cooking competition for the red house on Family Day...even your
fried rice, does enough justice to proving you as the Best Dad God has ever given to me. in tough times, you're always The Man, strong and standing, while we look to you for comfort a nd sometimes, to complain, and you'll take it all like a man without uttering a single word of frustration.

i adore you, daddy.

we all adore you.

this year, as you grow a year older, haha. and a year more matured too, i pray that your hair wont go white so soon, wont drop so much, and that God will slow down your aging rate. i pray for good health,(must not be so
yit hei or cheong hei, okay. no good for blood pressure.) and that the Lord will prosper you in every part of your life, be it in work, family, or health. (when you're more prosperous, i'll get to shop more! heh.) i pray that you'll also continue to be strong in the Lord and also a man of God...

to me,
you're an accomplished man, and you're the most perfect man out there.

daddy; my knight in shining armor; my friend!; God's best gift to me.


you so rock weh! i wanna my future hubby to be like my daddy! kekeke.

have a blessed birthday and year ahead, dad.

ps. mummy told me alot of funny stories about you. she told me how you're so innocent, and didn't know how to say flattering stuff to her when you
kau her that time. haha. funny.

mum and i baked him a birthday cake! doesn't look that appetizing, but it tastes like Heaven. really one!

dad and mum being lovey dovey. oh, eww. makes my hair stand.

me, dad, mummy, smiling gorgeously.. :D

tall to short - bro, dad, mum.


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