Monday, March 30, 2009

when the earth stood still..

I sat silently at the corner again.. 
I pondered and pondered, and by human nature, I started questioning Him all over again. 

No, this question isn't different than the previous; we're back to where we were two months ago. I even thought I walked far enough to not be able to return to where I was then... I guess, I underestimated everything? 
too confident?

The only difference is that, now, I feel nothing. I've been talking as if it doesn't matter, like my heart isn't hurting, like I don't care. In fact, I've been laughing.
Am I even supposed to be laughing bout it right now? at this very point where I'm supposed to be grieving? 

Gosh, I feel evil.. 


If You could just answer me this question... if You could just answer us this question... them.....

- I know you're happy in heaven..
goodbye, couzzie.
rest well.

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